KumeFloat Oakland: Can You Fall Asleep in a Float Tank? (5 Minute Read)

One of the most common questions we get from new floaters is whether it’s possible to fall asleep in a float tank. The answer is yes, but it’s not as common as you might think. If you do drift off, you’re likely entering a hypnagogic state – the transitional phase between wakefulness and sleep, which is a highly lucid and creative state of mind.

This state, highly sought after by meditators and creatives, is achieved because floating reduces your brainwave frequency to theta waves. These waves enhance creativity, presentness, and problem-solving abilities. Thus, while you can fall asleep in a float tank, you might just be reaching a deep meditative state instead.

We often hear concerns about whether sleeping during a float session wastes the experience. Rest assured, even a short float session relieves muscle tension and mental stress. Floating provides numerous physical benefits without needing conscious effort, so feel free to nap!

The saltwater’s buoyancy allows your muscles to relax completely, offering an experience akin to zero gravity. Additionally, the magnesium sulfate in the water, crucial for over 300 bodily functions, gets absorbed by your skin, aiding in everything from lactic acid breakdown to heart regulation and bone strength. These benefits occur whether you’re awake or asleep in the tank.

New floaters also worry about the safety of sleeping in the tank. Each tank contains only about a foot of water and is saturated with 1,200 pounds of Epsom salts, making you extremely buoyant. Our i-sopod tanks are designed with safety in mind; if you feel uneasy, a gentle push will open the door, allowing you to exit easily.

So, sleeping in a float tank is possible, safe, and even beneficial. While it might seem logical to replace beds with float tanks, all-night floats, although beneficial, cannot replace natural sleep. Regular floaters often feel energized post-float and need time to wind down, promoting better sleep patterns.

Floating and sleeping are closely related; both involve low-frequency brain activity that helps the body repair and rejuvenate. If you fall asleep during a float, you’re perfectly safe and still enjoying the float’s benefits.

Book an Appointment with Us At Kumefloat!

To schedule your first appointment, call us at +1 (510) 607-8930 or book online at KumeFloat, and we’ll be happy to walk you through your session, so you feel safe and comfortable!

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